Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Update, Vegetarian Stuff

I'm going to start a segment here called, "Dora's Dinner" because The Princess has a Dora plate she eats dinner from occasionally. I kind of like it because, like my mind, it helps me compartmentalize my meal-making for the family. So, I have been taking pictures of the food we make. I got the idea from Lunch in a Box. Granted, my meals are not nearly as creative as this woman's, I love the idea of making healthy meals for the kids.

Am I perfectly healthy all the time? No way! I am not some super-mom and do allow the kids freedom to have cereal for breakfast and sometimes, we just eat pancakes for dinner. But, I like how it trains my own mind to making equal choices as far as food groups.

Last week, The Rock Star decided he's going to be vegetarian, so in my infinite wisdom, I freaked out. I have had a vegetarian husband (who's now a happy carnivore) but I rarely made his meals because I'm not a huge fan of too much Indian food. Now, I've got this other person in my household who prefers to avoid meat, and I need to have some call to action to make his meals as healthy as possible. (He's doing this for a girl, BTW.)

I am nervous. A lot of the responsibility of food preparation is on me, and I'm fine with that. I'm afraid I'm making mistakes, making choices that are lacking in some aspect. I know my Indian veggie friends are sitting here reading this and laughing, because vegetarianism is so prevalent among them and they've been raised like that. I haven't, so I'm learning as I go.

I'm going to post some pictures of the Dora plate, along with some recipes I sometimes plan on making. Variety is the spice of life, and Lord knows I need some spice, huh?

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