Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Grocery Game

I heard from a friend that The Grocery Game website is offering a trial period. I think I'm going to sign up and see if it's worth the money to learn where savings are in my area. I think a lot of it is what's called stockpiling, which is storing up stuff you find on sale. I probably could do this, but I just don't make the room in my home for it. I encourage you to visit the site and the message boards, and do the trial if it works for you. I'm planning on signing up and seeing how it goes for the first few weeks.

Tip for the day: Go to Walgreen's! When they're overstocked with supplies, they put some really good stuff on sale. Look for their sale aisle/corner and you can find some great deals. Just today I got men's razors for .49 cents and women's deodorant for .44 cents! Those alone made the trip worth it! Also, when you go at the right time, you can often find milk on sale there. In our area, milk is around $5.00 so when I find it for $2.89, I get a little excited!

1 comment:

Ann said...

I LOVE Walgreens. There is one two blocks from my house--I'm becoming a regular :) They often have good deals that pair well with coupons. This last week (sorry, went off tonight) was 4/$10 Life Cereal and Quaker Oat bars--get $4 coupon off your next purchase. I had a coupon for $1/2 Quaker bars, and we go through Life Cereal like there is no tomorrow, so 4/$5 was a steal! I did the deal twice :)

They often have rebates where you can get the item free, and if you watch the coupons there are coupons for those items too, so you can actually make money. My policy is we have to actually use the item, but that's how I stocked my gym locker :)