Saturday, June 23, 2007

Plans for the Trip, Etc...

I sent away for my passport, expedited. I can't believe I've procrastinated and didn't send it in earlier. I didn't even know it was expired until we were actually crossing the border from Mexico to the US in January. Oops! ;-) My last trip on that passport was to Venezuela. What memories...

I've been reading daily devotionals that are Biblically based and they've been easy reads. They are easily applicable to my daily life and I like starting my day with something positive and something to think of. I think I should re-read them in the end of the day because I'm sure they often apply more than I realize.

Money has been super-tight this month and probably will be for a couple more. We were lucky to book our India/Dubai trip on airline miles, because those could have been well over $10,000 for the 4 of us. But, I need to find ways to cut corners here at home, now. I'm going to do a 30-day cooking (freezing) thing fairly soon. I need to organize some new Mexican recipes besides arroz con pollo. I may try Ropa Vieja (which I think is Puerto Rican?) or something similar.

It's late, I'm off to bed. Church and a fish fry tomorrow. I love my friends! :-)


~^^~L*C~^^~ said...

Hi Thanks for coming by my blog! Last summer, I began to read devotionals every day, as well as the night before. It helped tremendously, and my day was off to a positive start; I can relate to what you feel there. I also find that hearing Christian music in the morning has a powerful effect on how I do during the day.

I need to update my blog. I am going to bookmark yours. We do have a lot in common. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

La Tejana - ~^^~LC said...

Hi there! Just letting u know I am doing blogging at a different place, so if you could link the new one

Thanks! Hope everything is going well for you.