Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Homeschooling Kicks My Boot-ay

I never, in my wildest dreams, thought homeschooling was going to be so difficult! I think it was my own naivete, but I am completely overwhelmed! I have so much to do, so little time to do it in.

The Rock Star has officially started 9th grade and I have him in an AP US History Course I'm teaching him. It's basically college level, and I'm doing all I can to keep up with his readings and term project already started. He's got tons of work to do that keeps him busy for a very long time, not to mention he's doing Biology, Algebra, and Spanish. I am combining my English/Grammar with his History and doing Geography and Map Skills with him in addition to all of that. It's a miracle I can keep my head afloat.

The Princess is doing reading, phonics, and some whole language stuff. Having been a teacher, I find no one program is great for all kids, so it's been my luck that my one kid isn't great for all programs! I'm mixing and mashing up a few programs but the good news is not only is she reading really well, she's comprehending, which is a whole other world in and of itself. She is also doing 1st grade math and we'll be changing curriculums soon, for one we feel is a better fit for her. (She's not very abstract and the one we use now is very hands-on, and she's bored.)

I find I am forgetting appointments, times to get together with friends, and some other things so I need to learn to better manage my time and talents accordingly. I am going to work on time management skills and hope I can find a nice middle ground where I can teach them at home, have time to make dinner, and do everything else in between. I can't lose sight of the fact that their education is the priority but when you're home all day, you kind of feel like you should be doing something else, ya know?

I may post some pictures of art projects The Princess has done recently. I have my aunt here with us, and she is mentally handicapped, but she LOVES doing these art projects and homeschooling with The Princess. So, I have an extra student in the class who helps out with the really creative stuff! FUN!


Ranjani said...

that's great ! could you post some good websites or books that u use for ur younger one..i would like to look into it ..

Ann said...

Kudos to you!!! I'd love to homeschool, but it would totally kick me too--especially with two programs as distinct as the Rock Star and Princess's!! At least H&H could be doing close to the same things...Good job!