Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thankful Thursday

A friend online does these and I am going to start them as well. When I suffered with post-partum depression, I had a wonderful doctor who told me each day, I had to tell someone 3 things I was thankful for or that went well. When you have PPD, it's hard to come up with one, let alone three.

So, now I am going to revert to that same idea of being thankful for my blessings! It's something that's healthy and re-trains my mind to see the good and not always the bad.

I'm thankful for:

My family (Parents, uncles, children, etc...)
My home. It is gorgeous and I need to appreciate it more.
My friends, who continue to be rocks when I'm sometimes sand rolling away in the tide.
My faith. It's another rock I need a lot.
My puppy. It may seem weird, but the unconditional love I feel from him is sometimes amazing.


Ann said...

This exercise is really good for me too! I didn't know you have a puppy??

La Tejana - ~^^~LC said...

Being thankful - I love it. Every time I pray, I actually go to God with thanksgiving, when I am going through something, I'll still try to humble myself and say "thank you for this trial." I am a strong believer that we have a certain amount of free will, but a lot of times God steps in and takes control.