Monday, December 1, 2008

India Stuff

Really sad stuff happened in India last week. The Princess kept saying, "My grandma and grandpa live in Bombay." I kept telling her they don't live there anymore, and I hope she wasn't scared. She didn't seem to be.

Prayers are definitely with all the familiesn affected by those horrible hotel attacks. I guess before September 11th, I would have said I can't imagine how a city would recover. But, NYC has proved me wrong and life just goes on.


Meera's World said...

Hope she is not worried anymore now!!
the book i just finished is ,a story collection.
is the movie u watched indian movie or english??sounds like fun;)hehehe

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to comment of your profile of "you"...I think its great! Certainly describes me as well lol

Meera's World said...
