Friday, July 27, 2007

All This Prayer Gives Me the Sleepies...

I've had a few things happening lately and don't know what to do.

1) I'm going through a weird thing with my church. I LOVE it and love everything about it, but there are some things I need to address privately. It's just frustrating.

2) I am just down. I can't pick myself out of a slump and a lot of prayer is needed for me at this time. I need to focus. When I don't focus and pray or at least thank God for his blessings, I get moody, cranky, and weird.

3) I'm worried about our India trip. I know it's stupid, but I worry about the flights, missing Christmas with my family, and worry about The Man's parents or family hating me. Kind of stupid, yes. But, it's a reality.

It's been a rough time. I just need to regroup but don't know how. Don't you hate that feeling??

Five For Friday

Didn't make my Thursday ones, so here are Friday's thankful things.

-I'm thankful for the time we spend with friends, especially my 2 friends from my homegroup. They make life fun and interesting.
-I'm thankful for the home I have and the neighborhood I live in, even though I really don't like it.
-I'm thankful for the ability to talk to friends about misconceptions and unhappiness on my part. They are great support systems.
-I'm thankful my husband is still working here in Austin.
-I'm thankful for my hairdresser. She is fun and amazing, and gives me desire to better myself. She's a great presence and probably doesn't even know it.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thankful Thursday

A friend online does these and I am going to start them as well. When I suffered with post-partum depression, I had a wonderful doctor who told me each day, I had to tell someone 3 things I was thankful for or that went well. When you have PPD, it's hard to come up with one, let alone three.

So, now I am going to revert to that same idea of being thankful for my blessings! It's something that's healthy and re-trains my mind to see the good and not always the bad.

I'm thankful for:

My family (Parents, uncles, children, etc...)
My home. It is gorgeous and I need to appreciate it more.
My friends, who continue to be rocks when I'm sometimes sand rolling away in the tide.
My faith. It's another rock I need a lot.
My puppy. It may seem weird, but the unconditional love I feel from him is sometimes amazing.

Dora's Dinner

"What's for dinner tonight," The Princess asked. She said she wanted her Dora plate. She's smart enough to know she'll get a semi-normal, well-compartmentalized meal when she mentions and I use the Dora plate. I hate Dora. She's annoying and gives Mexican girls a bad name. (We're not always lost, FYI. I do love her Spanish. It's pretty good.) But, if The Princess likes the plate, it's what we work with. I wonder if The Rockstar wants to use his own plate? Hmm..have to ask him.

Tonight's dinner was yet one of those Oh-Crap-I-Still-Didn't-Go-To-The-Store meals. Yea, I am looking worse and worse on this site, huh? I had all intentions of going grocery shopping today, along with taking The Rockstar to his band practice and making sure The Princess is the next mermaid thanks to her daily swim lessons. I dropped the ball and didn't go. But, not because I didn't make the time, but because I was sleeping this afternoon because Webkinz took over my mind and body last night. I'm addicted and to this day, blame my friends at AAA. (They know who they are.)

Another hodge-podge of meals were on the menu tonight in this house. It was again vegetarian and I know I sound like I deserve some sort of award for that when all my desi friends are sitting there laughing out loud. It's so hard to do it when you're not used to it, so yes, day three of vegetarianism has made me prone to headaches because I'm at a loss. I am, however, getting a lot more creative, better, and I feel good knowing I'm going to survive this no-meat thing.

If my lack of enthusiasm or incessant complaining about the vegetarian thing bothers you, please email my husband. He's my go-to guy for hate mail. He loves when you start emails with the subject line, "Weiner of a husband, I can't stand your wife." Thanks.

Drum roll please...tonight's dinner was...

Horribly Ugly Stir-Fried Rice, Fresh-From-The-Garden Tomatoes, Fresh Strawberries and Bananas, and Yogurt

The meals continue to go from bad to worse, don't they? In an attempt to make a semblance of fried rice, it just all went downhill. I am no good at it, and really wanted to add egg to add the protein, but we are out of eggs. (That whole store anxiety thing I've got going.) So, I did my best to make a sauce that was actually edible. Here's my really bad stir-fry recipe. You know you want it.

2 cups Leftover rice (We used a rice cooker, so it's a bit firm, not mushy)
1 cup frozen peas
1 clove fresh garlic, minced
1 tsp minced ginger
1/4 cup chopped green onion
2 tbsp lite soy sauce
1 tbsp sesame oil (adjust to taste, some people use more)
1 pinch cayenne pepper powder

I sauteed the peas in the oil and garlic, and then added the rice and remaining ingredients. Stir well over medium heat and let cook until flavors blend, around 10 minutes.

I love fried rice because I can make it so many ways. I was going to add carrots, broccoli, and some cabbage we have but the kids were hungry LIKE NOW! This is all I made, but at least I felt comfortable in knowing it wasn't overly high in fat and at least the veggies and fruit added some good nutrition.

Thanks to my friend Brenda for the awesome tomatoes. Tomorrow is a pasta dish with the basil she gave us as well as more tomatoes. I'm blessed with good friends who have good gardens and fresh produce. Sometimes when I eat things straight from the garden, as cheesy as it is, it reminds me of the beauty God has provided us in this world. Reminds me to be thankful!

The Rockstar: Loved it all.
The Man: Ate something else. It was his leftover rice I used.
The Princess: Loved it and ate it all!

Dora's Dinner

Mediterranean night! Well, that's what it turned out to be. Really, when does a mom even find time to get groceries, cook fancy-schmancy meals, and allow for some sleep or well-needed Internet blog-reading time? You catch my drift. We're

When we're out of food, mom becomes super-duper creative! I lean into my freezer and check all the frozen veggies. I then check my pantry, which has its share of canned goods, old rice, and old Splenda packets. Today's meal is brought to you by the letter D for Desperate, M for Mind-boggling-as-t0-how-I-did-it, and V for victory. I consider a victory a meal where no one got violently ill, no one made that Oh-no-pasta-again! face, and where I got most of the food groups represented. I say most because, yea, my kids are normal and most of the vitamins and minerals tend to stick to the bottom of the chair. Or in their hair. Or in mine. Okay, I digress.

Mediterranean Hodge-Podge of Items I Need to Use by 7/17/2007 according to the FDA

Really, there is no recipe I have but I over-did it on the grains. Tabbouleh and couscous are just too much but hey, the fridge is gross, yo. I need to make sure to clear some stuff out! Yea for glycemic shock, huh? Actually, everyone lived and I did try to add a protein to balance by adding hummus. Next time, I'll make falafel and tzadzkiki sauce instead of carrots and hummus.

Pictured: Artichoke hearts sauteed in olive oil, garlic, and topped with Parmesan Cheese, Baby Carrots with hummus, Tabbouleh, and couscous.

The Rockstar: Didn't like tabbouleh but loved artichokes.
The Man: Liked all but tabbouleh.
The Princess: Loved it all! YEA!!

Dora's Dinner

I strive to make each meal entertaining for The Princess and The Rockstar. The Rockstar prefers more adult-like food because, well, he's 14. The Princess needs more exciting things, so I plan on buying her a bento box for her lunches and will continue to strive to make things fun at dinnertime.

I have taken some photos of a few meals I've made the past couple of days. All are meatless and it's been extremely difficult for me. For one, The Rockstar refuses to eat tofu or anything soy. This has been a huge issue and I really don't know what I'm going to do with him when it comes to making sure he's nutritionally sound since he wants to be a vegetarian.

The Princess is easy. She loves anything we make, and doesn't know the difference between soy and anything else, so that's a plus, too! I really feel like I'm going to make progress. The Bento Lunchbox site has been my inspiration. I'm not nearly as good a food photographer as most people I read, but hey, it gives me inspiration and maybe it will inspire someone else out there. Or better yet, if you want better pictures, buy me a good camera! ;-)

Homemade Gnocchi with Peas and Parsley

Gnocchi is something not everyone likes. I liked it because 1) it was vegetarian, 2) It's versatile, and 3) I had a bunch of potatoes I needed to use last week and they came in handy for this recipe!
The Recipe I used was from The Food Network. The recipe is accessible from that link and it's easy! I love that. Granted, I added my own flair by adding peas and parsley, instead of the thyme, and that's okay. I have come to find out it's extremely versatile and tastes great with red, white, or just butter sauces.

(The Rockstar gave it a thumbs down. He is weird with consistencies and textures of food. The Man said it was "okay" and The Princess loved it.) Isn't Swiper the Fox so freaking cool?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Update, Vegetarian Stuff

I'm going to start a segment here called, "Dora's Dinner" because The Princess has a Dora plate she eats dinner from occasionally. I kind of like it because, like my mind, it helps me compartmentalize my meal-making for the family. So, I have been taking pictures of the food we make. I got the idea from Lunch in a Box. Granted, my meals are not nearly as creative as this woman's, I love the idea of making healthy meals for the kids.

Am I perfectly healthy all the time? No way! I am not some super-mom and do allow the kids freedom to have cereal for breakfast and sometimes, we just eat pancakes for dinner. But, I like how it trains my own mind to making equal choices as far as food groups.

Last week, The Rock Star decided he's going to be vegetarian, so in my infinite wisdom, I freaked out. I have had a vegetarian husband (who's now a happy carnivore) but I rarely made his meals because I'm not a huge fan of too much Indian food. Now, I've got this other person in my household who prefers to avoid meat, and I need to have some call to action to make his meals as healthy as possible. (He's doing this for a girl, BTW.)

I am nervous. A lot of the responsibility of food preparation is on me, and I'm fine with that. I'm afraid I'm making mistakes, making choices that are lacking in some aspect. I know my Indian veggie friends are sitting here reading this and laughing, because vegetarianism is so prevalent among them and they've been raised like that. I haven't, so I'm learning as I go.

I'm going to post some pictures of the Dora plate, along with some recipes I sometimes plan on making. Variety is the spice of life, and Lord knows I need some spice, huh?


होव इन थे वर्ल्ड डेस थिस हिंदी स्क्रिप्ट वर्क?
गणेश विल लोवे इत।

Friday, July 6, 2007

I have a blog on Xanga. I've had it since 2003 and it seems weird that I have two. That one is closely guarded/blocked and I just haven't opened it up but to a few people who've been reading it since its beginning.

Here, I want a blog everyone can read, meaning my parents, husband, and even kids if they choose. That one, um, it's more personal.

I've made some great friends from that blog, even meeting some in person. We're a family and it's awesome. One girl is young, she's a songwriter, and is very artistic. She gives me hope sometimes when I have none, and today she wrote this:

"I will take nothing from yesterday but the lessons;
The only baggage I shall carry to tomorrow is hope;
I shall live today with perseverance to attain my hopes
And allow my lessons to guide me."

I don't know if it's from a song or what, but isn't it amazing? The line about the only baggage carried to tomorrow is hope--wow! It's moving and sometimes, I need that reminder.

I'm doing a fast from the 40-Day Fast. While often times I can't donate money for hunger or world issues that move me, I love the thought of fasting and praying for such issues. I'm doing a seven-day fast and it started on Thursday. It's tough to do, but I feel myself reminded of so many things when I do it. My clarity levels are amazing when I fast, and I think emotionally and spiritually, along with physically, an occasional fast is what I need to get in check.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Homeschooling has picked up again. I let the kids have a break, and getting back to the grind is tough!

The Rock Star is going to do science, Algebra, and Spanish at a one-day academy here in Austin starting in late-August. So, I'm working on history, language arts, grammar, and geography with him here at home. Not to mention he does his fine arts (guitar) and PE (jiu-jitsu, eventually) as well. We're doing Red Badge of Courage right now and it's a tough read for him. Next, we're doing Romeo and Juliet. YEA for Shakespeare, right?

The Princess is doing math and starting to get more focused on writing. Her motor skills are not such that she can write letters too well,but she does write them legibly. I'm working on what she calls the "baby" letters, which are lower-case. I am planning on changing math programs once she's done with this book. The Man would like a more stringent math program but considering she's only FOUR, I'm keeping her at this one for a while. His educational background is such that it's more math and science based, so we have to come to a happy medium, which will happen.